K&M Lawn, Garden, and Arborist Supplies

Excellent customer service, knowledgeable staff, and high-quality brands continue to make K&M Lawn, Garden, and Arborist Supplies a top choice for homeowners and businesses searching for outdoor equipment or repairs.
K&M is a Pro-Gold Scag dealer with a strong line-up of Scag Consumer and Commercial Zero Turn Riders. They encourage you to come check it out!

Buck Hitt, general manager

They are the largest arborist and recreational climbing dealer in the area, and their arborist lines consist of many known, trusted names such as Samson Ropes, New England Ropes, Yale Cordage, Buckingham Mfg., Weaver Leather, Petzl, CMI, and others.
Buck Hitt, general manager, stresses the importance of servicing your lawn and garden equipment in the spring after an idle winter. “When ethanol (a component of most gas station fuels) sits in the carburetor, it eats fuel lines and deteriorates carburetors,” he said. K&M can service your equipment’s fuel system and re-fuel your mower with ethanol-free gas.
Visit K&M’s retail store and service center at 16033 Ira Hoffman Lane in Culpeper. Their hours are Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., or visit their website at www.kmlawngardenarborist.com.
This amended article first appeared in The Free Lance-Star. Reprinted with permission from K&M Lawn, Garden, and Arborist Supplies.

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