Lake Anna Connections

ones in Richmond or Charlottesville. The most likely choices were the University of Virginia or Medical College of Virginia (now Virginia Commonwealth University), as those were the two trauma hospitals. Over time, training requirements became more stringent, causing volunteers to adapt and take state-certified courses to become basic emergency medical technicians. There were also higher levels of training offered, and many of the county’s volunteers took advantage of the offerings and advanced their skills to better serve the community. Now the organization features a blend of paramedics, trauma technicians, emergency medical technicians, and drivers among its 25 or so active members. The first rescue squads were essentially station wagons converted to carry a stretcher and personnel. Today, the units are stocked with a variety of medical equipment and medications to handle a myriad of situations, providing vital life- saving measures to patients while en route to hospitals. Movies UNDE R T HE S T ARS 540-603-1255 LAKE ANNA CONNECTIONS | FALL |WINTER 2020 13