Freedom Boat Club
The management of Freedom Boat Club (FBC) Virginia would like to answer some common questions about the service they provide around the state and right here on Lake Anna.
What is a boat club?
Boat clubs are designed for people who want access to a versatile fleet of boats on a regular basis at an affordable cost of entry.
While clubs in general may differ in their membership structure, FBC operates with a one-time entry fee and monthly dues. FBC members have unlimited access to the club fleet but do not own them and never incur any service or storage fees. Reservations are made through a proprietary online system.

The Parker family, members of Freedom Boat Club, enjoy a day on Lake Anna.

The Parkers are making memories that will last a lifetime.

The Parker girls enjoy a day of boating and playing in the lake.
FBC provides a hassle-free, maintenance-free boating experience to its members. FBC employs a proven member-to-boat ratio formula to ensure there are always plenty of boats in the fleet to service members. Unlike other club organizations, FBC rotates new boats into the system regularly while moving them out of inventory after three years of use.
FBC has over 200 late model boats from coast to coast with more than 210 locations throughout the United States, Canada, and France. Members who join FBC on a year-round basis enjoy reciprocal access and can boat anywhere the clubs are located. This is one of the most valued features of membership in FBC.
Who are the typical members in the boat club?
Our members are varied, from first time boaters who want to experience the relaxation that comes with a day on the water to experienced boaters who have owned before and know the hassle and cost of maintaining their own boats. Your membership includes unlimited one-on-one training with our US Coast Guard licensed captains. Our fleet provides entertainment for everyone: families who want to enjoy water sports with loved ones, busy executives who want to chill out for a day or entertain a client, and anyone who enjoys fishing.
What are the differences between being a member and purchasing a boat to own?
Mainly two things: time and money. Our members enjoy a truly maintenance-free boating experience and are no longer concerned with cleaning, repairs, storage, or long lines at the gas dock. Also, our concierge service upon your arrival at the dock will have you out on the water in no time. We know that on average a boat club member boats at least twice as much as an average boat owner. As far as cost, the average annual cost of a membership is about half of the average annual cost of maintaining a personal boat. Boat slip and maintenance fees alone are more expensive than a Freedom Boat Club membership.
Anything else you want to share for our readers?
We offer many different membership plans. We’d love to invite readers to visit our website to learn more and to schedule a tour and boat ride at one of our Northern Virginia locations in Woodbridge, Stafford, or Lake Anna. At Freedom Boat Club Virginia, there’s nothing better than spending a day on the lake or river!

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